
Check yaml with check-metaschema option

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Version of check-jsonschema: 0.28.0

When I run check-jsonschema against yaml with check-metaschema option, result is always ok.

With json - works as expected:

check-jsonschema --check-metaschema ./target-file.json

  "$schema": "",
  "properties": {
    "property": "not-existing-type"


Schema validation errors were encountered.
  ./json-schema/some-package/invalid-schema.json::$.definitions.EnvConfigV1Properties.type: 'str' is not valid under any of the given schemas
  Underlying errors caused this.

  Best Match:
    $.definitions.EnvConfigV1Properties.type: 'str' is not one of ['array', 'boolean', 'integer', 'null', 'number', 'object', 'string']

  1 other errors were produced. Use '--verbose' to see all errors.

With yaml - does not work as expected:

check-jsonschema --check-metaschema ./target-file.yaml

$schema: ""
  property: "not-existing-type"


ok -- validation done

I'm not able to reproduce this, so there has to be some element at play here other than just the check-jsonschema behavior and version.

$ check-jsonschema --check-metaschema ./target.yaml
Schema validation errors were encountered.
  ./target.yaml::$ 'not-existing-type' is not of type 'object', 'boolean'

$ cat target.yaml 
$schema: ""
  property: "not-existing-type"

I don't have a theory about how or why this would happen yet, so for right now I'm marking this as needs-investigation.

During creating minimal project simulating described behavior I discovered that I have actually another problem:

When check-metaschema parameter is used, validation is processed against json schema, not schema in $schema property. See

Should be asked on stack overflow