
Code action tests fail when global pyproject file exists

rharish101 opened this issue · 3 comments

I get the following in test_ruff_code_actions:

workspace = <pylsp.workspace.Workspace object at 0x7f0938b57130>

    def test_ruff_code_actions(workspace):
        _, doc = temp_document(codeaction_str, workspace)

        diags = ruff_lint.pylsp_lint(workspace, doc)
        range_ = cattrs.unstructure(
            Range(start=Position(line=0, character=0), end=Position(line=0, character=0))
        actions = ruff_lint.pylsp_code_actions(
            workspace._config, workspace, doc, range=range_, context={"diagnostics": diags}
        actions = converter.structure(actions, List[CodeAction])
        for action in actions:
>           assert action.title in codeactions
E           AssertionError: assert 'Ruff: Organize imports' in ['Ruff (F401): Remove unused import: `os`', 'Ruff (F401): Disable for this line', 'Ruff (F841): Remove assignment to unused variable `a`', 'Ruff (F841): Disable for this line', 'Ruff: Fix All']
E            +  where 'Ruff: Organize imports' = CodeAction(title='Ruff: Organize imports', kind=<CodeActionKind.SourceOrganizeImports: 'source.organizeImports'>, diag...range=1:0-2:0, new_text='import os\n\n\n')]}, document_changes=None, change_annotations=None), command=None, data=None).title

tests/ AssertionError

Very odd, can you make sure that everything is up-to-date? Did you clone the repo locally and made any changes?
the Organize imports action should only happen if I001 is violated which does not happen in the codeaction_str.

Ah, found it, it was due to my global Ruff config. Sorry for the confusion!

Reopening to prevent this from happening