gotr logging issues
aO3Kkkhd39omk2T9QTGLb0PG09 opened this issue · 1 comments
The messages that a conversation were started and stopped are still logged even though logging has been disabled.
In, adding two "if gajim.config.should_log(account, jid):" statements to check if logging should be enabled like this solves the problem:
def gajim_log(cls, msg, account, fjid, no_print=False,
is_status_message=True, thread_id=None):
if not isinstance(fjid, unicode):
fjid = unicode(fjid)
if not isinstance(account, unicode):
account = unicode(account)
resource = gajim.get_resource_from_jid(fjid)
jid = gajim.get_jid_without_resource(fjid)
tim = time.localtime()
if is_status_message is True:
if not no_print:
ctrl = cls.get_control(fjid, account)
if ctrl:
ctrl.print_conversation_line(u'[OTR] %s' % msg, 'status',
'', None)
if gajim.config.should_log(account, jid):
id = gajim.logger.write('chat_msg_recv', fjid,
message=u'[OTR: %s]' % msg, tim=tim)
# gajim.logger.write() only marks a message as unread (and so
# only returns an id) when fjid is a real contact (NOT if it's a
# GC private chat)
if id:
session = gajim.connections[account].get_or_create_session(fjid,
session.received_thread_id |= bool(thread_id)
session.last_receive = time.time()
if not session.control:
# look for an existing chat control without a session
ctrl = cls.get_control(fjid, account)
if ctrl:
session.control = ctrl
if gajim.config.should_log(account, jid):
msg_id = gajim.logger.write('chat_msg_recv', fjid,
message=u'[OTR: %s]' % msg, tim=tim)
session.roster_message(jid, msg, tim=tim, msg_id=msg_id,
msg_type='chat', resource=resource)
Additionally the option "Log encrypted chat session" is not honored, I assume because this is only applied to E2E communication and gajim is not aware that it is an "encrypted chat session".
you know, I'd be able to fix this a lot faster if people would send me patches and pull requests instead of full code. I'll reopen this issue in the gotr project, but don't expect to get a fix any time soon, I don't have a lot of time for gotr right now.