- 2
Provide non editor-centric APIs
#716 opened - 4
- 1
- 3
Support aliases in rope_autoimport
#712 opened - 2
rope incompatible with Python 3.12
#708 opened - 1
#706 opened - 0
Sort functions by usage
#704 opened - 2
rope_autoimport doesn't work for neovim
#701 opened - 1
- 1
Rename refactoring allow the use of the same name of the declared method in the superclass
#699 opened - 1
- 1
Renaming methd
#695 opened - 0
Keep from xx import yy style when moving
#694 opened - 0
- 0
- 3
RemoveArgument - refactoring produces syntax errors at callsite if original code contains comments
#690 opened - 2
- 0
Missing symbols in autoimport.db
#687 opened - 0
- 0
Use upstream black
#684 opened - 5
Relative auto-imports
#683 opened - 0
Status report: 2/14/23
#667 opened - 5
Designing our conversation
#666 opened - 2
Fix a valid mypy complaint
#662 opened - 2
sphinx gives three warnings for overview.rst
#658 opened - 0
Create a Theory of Operation document
#654 opened - 0
- 6
- 0
- 1
Implement `nonlocal` keyword in patchedast
#624 opened - 0
- 3
- 2
- 0
- 3
Create class RopeTest(unittest.TestCase)
#591 opened - 7
- 1
Reduce pyflakes errors
#588 opened - 1
Improve warning in parse function
#576 opened - 1
Warning when running unit tests
#573 opened - 4
Retire `perform_doa`/`doi` inference?
#571 opened - 5
- 3
- 0
Add AOI: Annotation-based inference
#568 opened - 0
- 0
- 2
- 0
- 0
- 0
Python 3.11 - Implement `except*` syntax
#561 opened - 0