
Authentication with Microsoft Azure AD in a multi-tenant app

tiago-peres opened this issue · 2 comments

According to the Microsoft docs, Multitenant applications are to be redirected to

Since I'm using social_core.backends.azuread.AzureADOAuth2, the user is redirected to ( Thing is, common is for Multitenant and personal accounts.

I tried using social_core.backends.azuread_tenant.AzureADTenantOAuth2 since it allows to define the target tenant with two different variations in the Tenant


None of them worked.

Would be cool to be able to change the Tenant ID in social_core.backends.azuread.AzureADOAuth2, like this SOCIAL_AUTH_AZUREAD_OAUTH2_TENANT_ID = "organizations".

I've explained here in more detail too.

For now I created a custom backend extending AzureADOAuth2

from social_core.backends.azuread import AzureADOAuth2

class CustomAzureADOAuth2(AzureADOAuth2):
    BASE_URL = ""

@tiago-peres Strange, it should work but have you got chance to use 'social_core.backends.azuread_tenant.AzureADV2TenantOAuth2'? mind the V2 version as you should slowly migrate to v2.0 endpoints See here

I have an application bound to specific tenant due to company policy (internal app) so I have to provide tenant id and it works as intended.