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@BibMartin once you think it is ready let's create the release and a PyPI entry. I can to the latter for you.

@ocefpaf I've tried to create the release branch, but it does not create any branch ; just a tag. Is that good enough ?

I planned to have a v0.1 branch where each commit would be tagged v0.1.0, v0.1.1 etc.

As for the PyPi part, I'd be interested to do it. I guess I'll need to ask for help.

As for the PyPi part, I'd be interested to do it. I guess I'll need to ask for help.

  1. Create an account at
  2. python register # It will show up at
  3. python sdist --formats=gztar upload # to upload the source distribution

That is basically it. There are a few details here and there that I don't remember, but you'll figure it out 😉

Note that it is good to test the source distribution and the metadata before uploading. I usually do a python check and a python sdist followed by a pip install of the result to make sure everything works.

Is that good enough?

Yep. That is the simplest way to do it. Complex packages might want a more complex release process, but that is good enough for me.

I've finally created the branch v0.1 and the release v0.1.0. I think this will be useful if we need to put hotfixes.

As for PyPi, I've created the repo in using (I write that for keeping a track):

python register

Then I got the packages in doing:

python sdist bdist_wheel

At last pushed to PyPi with:

twine upload dist/*

(as recommended by

@ocefpaf I've set you as owner of branca so that we can both maintain it.

python sdist bdist_wheel

Feeling old now 😒

I cannot see it at PyPI yet. Can you check on your end if everything when smoothly?

PS: I don't know if the bdist_wheel + twine also uploads the source distribution. If not you might consider also doing python sdist --formats=gztar upload. Some tools/users need to download the source and then build.

I cannot see it at PyPI yet. Can you check on your end if everything when smoothly?

It seems it's not found by search engine ; but you can go directly to

PS: I don't know if the bdist_wheel + twine also uploads the source distribution. If not you might consider also doing python sdist --formats=gztar upload. Some tools/users need to download the source and then build.

It has created and uploaded a tar.gz ; but I didn't use the option --formats=gztar. I hope this is good anyway 😬

It seems it's not found by search engine ; but you can go directly to

Looks good! But what is that 0.0.0 at the bottom coming from?

I hope this is good anyway

That is good. Some people like zip to be Windows friendly, but tar.gz is no longer a difficulty on Windows.

Looks good! But what is that 0.0.0 at the bottom coming from?

This is "the text" of CHANGES.txt. I update this asap.

I had to do a v0.1.1 release (you cannot delete and re-upload a release on PyPi) but it looks better.

you cannot delete and re-upload a release on PyPi

That was allowed in the past (man do I feel old today) but it is a good thing they no longer allow it.