
License type on pypi

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I am not sure if it's appropriate to ask here. The license on Pypi says: "Copyright (C) 2013, Martin Journois". Since this is really open source freeware, could it be changed to something like BSD? My company scans all the pypi packages and this is blocked for download due to the license issue. Thank you.

This library is distributed under an MIT license: This is a very permissive license so I can't see how this would cause issues for you to use it in your company. Please read more about the MIT license to see what it means.

Also, many OSS licenses have a copyright statement. That is not usual. See the first line of the MIT license template:

Thanks for response. I think the reason was our scan simply takes the license label from pypi and it sees it says copyright. So it's prohibited from being downloaded. Any chance the meta data could reflect the MIT license instead of the Copyright wording currently shown on Pypi?

I see what you mean. This is what shows on the branca PyPI page:


And this is what for example shows on the Numpy PyPI page:


I reckon that we want it to say "License: MIT"

On the folium PyPI page this is already working correctly:
