
LoggerAdapter: using request_headers in DEBUG-level logs raises: AttributeError("'WebSocketServerProtocol' object has no attribute 'request_headers'")

rayrapetyan opened this issue · 6 comments

When LoggerAdapter is utilized and DEBUG-level logs are activated, it results in the generation of an AttributeError exception.

Similar to #1398, but on the server side.

Seems this issue is caused by this line:

self.logger.debug("= connection is CONNECTING")
(request_headers init happens few lines below).

Possible fix would be putting request_headers initialization above the:

self.logger.debug("= connection is CONNECTING")

The only aspect that confuses me is how such an error could go unnoticed for a period of 2 years ( I might be overlooking something, but I can't identify what it might be.
This might be due to the fact that this error does not produce any output in the server logs; the client simply receives a connection reset error.

The documentation for request_headers says:

The following attributes are available after the opening handshake, once the WebSocket connection is open: ...

You're trying to use the attribute before it's available, which is why the AttributeError happens (in your code, not in websockets).

request_headers init happens few lines below

That's incorrect. It's only a type declaration, not an initiatialization. The attribute doesn't exist yet.

I can see how it's an easy mistake to make and a relatively hard one to debug.

Unfortunately I don't see an obvious way to fix it.

Perhaps the best fix is to remove that logging call entirely. I think it's the only logging call happening before the opening handshake (to be verified).

This can happen in other places, notably here if the handshake request or response received from the other side isn't a valid HTTP message.

One possible solution would be to initialize request_headers with an empty Headers() instance (and the same for other similar attributes). Currently, all these attributes are conceptually immutable; I can see a risk of causing more confusion by returning "wrong" values (like path = "/").

This requires further investigation.

...or LoggerAdapter documentation can be updated to include:

if hasattr(websocket, "request_headers"):

check (that's what I've done as a workaround).

Yes, that's the correct implementation in the current state of the library.

I'm not super excited by that option, though, because it puts the burden on every user of the library :-(

The other issue was swallowing of exceptions (maybe similar to #1415 ?). Clients just get connection reset on their side with no output in the server logs. I believe this should be also fixed...