
Mypy is a waste of time

irodionzaytsev opened this issue ยท 11 comments

Mypy is a useless product. Python is a dynamic language. You are wasting yours, and, something I will never forgive you, my time. Please remove this trash from public use. We don't need it. You could do something useful with your programming skills instead making this rubbish. You could make some money, but instead you work for free to create something people don't give a damn about. Get a life.

Please, don't be rude ๐Ÿ™‚

@JukkaL @hauntsaninja this probably needs to be deleted.

For us it flagged a lot of dynamic typing bugs before stuff went to production so it was cost effective. (usecase: enterprise software).

But we also lost countless hours on weird typing problems and bugs. As an example; right now I am looking into some weird walrus operator behaviour (equivalent code without walrus has no type problems + code with walrus operator complains about trying to do stuff on a possible None value; probably related to #7316). We also had quite some extra work, on occasion, when mypy or python was upgraded, in the last couple of years.

I understand that you can be sentimental about code and especially time: but there is no need to be rude (IMHO).

Totally agree. Current python syntax and interpreter slows development of python as usable language.

You should create brand new, back incompatible Python with scopes, lambdas, const/let, optimization based on types.

Totally agree. Current python syntax and interpreter slows development of python as usable language.

You should create brand new, back incompatible Python with scopes, lambdas, const/let, optimization based on types.

You are welcome:

ambv commented

@irodionzaytsev your attempt at bullying volunteers is not appreciated and is in direct violation of our Code of Conduct. Continue on that path and see what happens.

Python is a huge language these days with many users from different backgrounds. Few of them use the entire feature set. It's okay to have features you're not interested in. Typing isn't mandatory, neither is asyncio, nor using IDLE as your main editor. You don't have to store configuration in .ini files parsed with configparser and you don't have to use pip, even though it comes bundled with Python. But believe me, for each part of Python you consider useless, there are thousands of people for whom that part is indispensable.

There are 10+ accepted typing-related PEPs. Plenty of organizations adopt typing on their own accord with no action from core developers. Clearly, it's useful for them. An increasing number use other type checkers so this isn't functionality specific to Mypy. It's a big community already, and growing! So when you say "we don't need it", you're just wrong. Or maybe you're a descendant of tsars who uses the "royal we" when addressing himself? In any case, it's laughable. Stop it.

hzlmn commented

It would be great if it was possible to ban such users from @github forever... It is all about community and if you dislike something propose better alternative or just don't use it. Mypy is not forced tool in python ecosystem.

@irodionzaytsev ลukasz was nicer than your comment warranted. It was toxic and unnecessary. If you don't like something, don't use it. No one's forcing you to.

@irodionzaytsev you are just being rude!

No arguments were given, you just wrote ad personam comment which is very harmfull to opensource community.

People can support or not support whatever projects they like, but it's "something people don't give a damn about," that makes this a work of art. The Internet is full of vehement, self-negating posts about how X is something people shouldn't care about.

Since sarcasm doesn't always translate -- it's a "work of art" in illogic and self-contradiction. I don't know anything about mypy, and now I'm going to learn something about it because of this post (the "Streisand effect").

Well i personally just discovered mypy, and i find that it seems quite usefull !
How many times did i got a python bug because i wasn't properly handling the type i gave it or it was doing some fuss because of python bizzare behaviour...

So actually, if you don't find it usefull does not mean that it is useless.