buildbot: investigate resource increases for `pg-nyc1-psf-io`
JacobCoffee opened this issue · 2 comments
JacobCoffee commented
18:00 zware Btw, how beefy is the machine that postgres is running on? Is buildbot asking too much of it?
18:07 jcoffee 2GB memory, 1 cpu - at face value it looks okay/"normal" but ill let the expert weigh in when they are available. Have you noticed decreases in performance or anything or are you just asking in general?
18:10 zware Ah, that does seem a little anemic for some of the queries buildbot is running. I've seen some >15s queries just from browsing around the UI
18:11 zware I'm hoping that the cleanup I'm trying to do will help with that, but no guarantees
18:11 zware (That might also explain why the cleanup query is taking so long)
JacobCoffee commented
Ticket opened with digitalocean, upgrading resources failed with error
JacobCoffee commented
Increased this to 2vCPU/4GB memory and things look much better :)