
Missing links on doc pages: modules and index

mark-summerfield opened this issue · 4 comments

I use large fonts so even on a big screen when I view the Python docs
the links at the top that end with "previous | next | modules | index"

This wouldn't be a problem since a menu button appears instead of that

However, the menu that drops down does not have the modules or index

I've bookmarked the modules page but even so it is poor that it isn't available any other way.

hugovk commented

Here's some screenshots to illustrate.

With Chrome (116 on macOS Ventura 13.5) this is in "normal" view, we can see the "previous | next | modules | index" links at the top:

"Normal" view


If we zoom in (command + +) three times to 150%, we get a "mobile" layout, and the left and top menus are gone:

"Mobile" view


We can view the left menu but not the top one:

"Mobile view" with menu


However, there's an alternative. Instead of zooming in (command + 0 resets to 100%), the browser has font size settings: chrome://settings/?search=font+size > "Font size", which can be changed from, for example, "Medium (Recommended)" to "Large" or "Very large":

Font settings


Here's large:

Large font


And very large:

Very large


Both of which keep the original "desktop" layouts. Do either of those help?

I'm using Firefox on Linux
Screenshot 1 shows the modules & index links but at a zoom level that is far too small for me to use.
Screenshot 2 shows the same page at the zoom level I need.
Screenshot 3 shows another page at the zoom level I need and with the popup menu shown
As you can see for Screenshots 2 and 3 there are no modules or index links.

Screenshot 1


Screenshot 2


Screenshot 3


hugovk commented

Hmm, I also see Firefox has different way of handling changing the font size.

I'll transfer this issue from to that handles this code, to see what others think.

Thank you. Although using a bookmark to modules works it means 2 clicks every time (Bookmarks menu, then modules bookmark) rather than 1 which is irritating!