
Add "Style Guidelines" doc somewhere

cspotcode opened this issue · 4 comments

Add contributing docs explaining conventions for:

code style
commit style
docstring style

Linking to stuff we can put in the guide:


Yes, rated G messages please. I get it, just want to keep as many people as possible feeling welcome.
nothing major, a quick non-judgemental(!) blurb about keeping everything in issues, PRs, commits, & code G-rated

Another thing:

Style guidance for magic methods, based on how they emit in sphinx w/prettyspecialmethods.
Draw inspiration from python docs:

Return a list of all the keys used in the dictionary d.

Examples should be included in this as well:

  1. When to add examples
  2. Avoid recursive / complex data structures in beginner-oriented examples (#1888)
  3. The top-level docstring

I feel like there is a lot of duplication in the draw commands with things like draw_lrtb_rectangle_filled vs draw_lrbt_rectangle_filled. It seems that the only difference is the order of the parameters

there is a lot of duplication in the draw commands with things like

Correct. That's why the lrtb variants of rectangle draw functions are deprecated/ See #1650 and the development branch version of the doc. It's why the lrtb variants still use AttributeError instead of the more correct ValueError at the moment.