
Top level index START HERE link is broken and redundant

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Bug Report

The top level index at the root of the docs has a link with a sprinter that reads START HERE. This link is broken. Right beneath it however is the the correct link that is also titled Start Here.

The index.rst file has a raw html table intentionally put at the top of the page that renders this broken link. I propose we remove it all together from the doc unless there is a good reason to keep it there.

System Info

Run this and paste the output here: python -m arcade

Arcade 3.0.0.dev26
vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650/PCIe/SSE2
version: (3, 3)
python: 3.11.8 (main, Feb 22 2024, 17:10:05) [GCC 11.4.0]
platform: linux
pyglet version: 2.0.12
PIL version: 10.0.1

Actual behavior:

Click the top most link and it is broken.
Click the link 2 links down under the proper TOC and it works

Expected behavior:

Both links work. However they are redundant so the manually created one outside of the generated TOC should be removed

Steps to reproduce/example code:

  1. checkout the development branch
  2. clean the docs: ./ clean
  3. build the docs: ./ serve
  4. go to the root of the docs: and click the START HERE link next to the sprinter


  • fix_broken_start_here_link_2201
  • remove_manually_edited_link_2011

Pull Requests

I made 2 pull requests for this. One just keeps it as it is and fixes the link. The other just removes the :raw:: html block that was added manually.

You can choose which way you want to go and delete the other