
Use wget with download link

vfdev-5 opened this issue · 5 comments

It would be nice to be able to download the link using wget-like tools and not only the browser.

cc @trsvchn

That's a good idea, but it requires additional research, I think its a road to REST, maybe we can play with application/json or smth, I do not know yet

Giving it a go!


hi there,
could you be a little more explicit here like how do you want this to be enabled? I think we can allow the user to download the link for wget command. e.g. !wget
Is there a kind of feat that exist somewhere else? let me know if any, thanks.

Hi @afzal442 !
I see it in this way. Code Generator renders python files and generates archive on client side, so there is no static links for wget to work with. Currently we have 2 options:

  • "Download" <-- archive is generated in a browser, and downloaded via browser
  • "Open in Colab" <-- archive is generated in a browser, but then pushed to GH

So my idea is to add third option "Download with wget" that reuses "Open in Colab" functionality, thus no spam requests to GH.

@vfdev-5 @ydcjeff what do you think?

Yes, we can reuse the function from "Open in Colab" for downloading with wget.