
Unit Convert Error in the Doc.

mqzhang1999 opened this issue · 2 comments

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Problem description

On, the comment of the function pyspectral.blackbody.blackbody_wn, the unit convert "Converting from SI units to mW/m^2 sr^-1 (cm^-1)^-1: 1.0 W/m^2 sr^-1 (m^-1)^-1 = 0.1 mW/m^2 sr^-1 (cm^-1)^-1" is error . It should be 1E5, not 0.1.

Expected Output

Actual Result, Traceback if applicable

Versions of Python, package at hand and relevant dependencies

Thank you for reporting an issue !

Thanks, you are absolutely right! Strange, since I thought we fixed this long time ago, it is correct a bit further up in the planck function so apparently we forgot to also update this. Thanks anyway.

Ah, now I see this should have been fixed in #117 but it wasn't.