
ansible_tower_cli false positive

RomainGuilloux opened this issue · 1 comments

  • safety version: 1.10.3
  • Python version: 3.6.8
  • Operating System: CentOS Linux 7 (Core)


It looks like there is a fall positive for the ansible_tower_cli analysis.
In pypi the latest version is 3.3.9

What I Did

 python3 -m safety check
|                                                                              |
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|                                                          /$$  | $$           |
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| REPORT                                                                       |
| checked 133 packages, using free DB (updated once a month)                   |
| package                    | installed | affected                 | ID       |
| ansible-tower-cli          | 3.3.9     | <3.4.5                   | 42863    |
| ansible-tower-cli          | 3.3.9     | <3.6.4                   | 42878    |
| ansible-tower-cli          | 3.3.9     | <3.6.4                   | 42880    |
| ansible-tower-cli          | 3.3.9     | <3.6.4                   | 42876    |
| ansible-tower-cli          | 3.3.9     | <3.6.4                   | 42870    |
| ansible-tower-cli          | 3.3.9     | <3.6.4                   | 42872    |
| ansible-tower-cli          | 3.3.9     | <3.6.4                   | 42874    |
| ansible-tower-cli          | 3.3.9     | <3.7                     | 42925    |
| ansible-tower-cli          | 3.3.9     | <3.8                     | 42922    |
| ansible-tower-cli          | 3.3.9     | <3.8                     | 42927    |
| ansible-tower-cli          | 3.3.9     | <3.8.2                   | 42861    |

Romain, thank you a lot for contacting.
The mistaken entries have been already corrected in our db.
Thank you again!