
How to interpret the ID?

benzkji opened this issue · 2 comments

  • safety version: 1.10.3
  • Python version: 3.7.13
  • Operating System:


Maybe I'm really stupid, but I cannot make sense of the "ID" that the safety check command delivers. I looked on the safety webpage, here on github, nothing really how to make sense of it? Outputting a link would be nice ;-) What I do now, is just google the package name with the word "cve" ...not ideal. Any pointers greatly appreciated!

| REPORT                                                                       |
| checked 81 packages, using free DB (updated once a month)                    |
| package                    | installed | affected                 | ID       |
| djangorestframework        | 3.9.4     | <3.12.0                  | 38841    |
| numpy                      | 1.19.5    | <1.21.0rc1               | 43453    |
| numpy                      | 1.19.5    | <1.22.0                  | 44717    |
| numpy                      | 1.19.5    | <1.22.0                  | 44716    |
| numpy                      | 1.19.5    | <1.22.2                  | 44715    |

What I Did

safety check

Hi benzkji,

Please try safety check --full-report


Thank you! This helps alot.

Just curios, is the ID an internal id? Or for what can it be used?