jbednar opened this issue · 1 comments
To get it started, the PyViz website is being set up by the viz team at Anaconda, Inc., using Anaconda-provided resources and development time. The initial content includes the material that we think is most useful to our users and customers, and reflects our own perspective. But the PyViz name and website are owned by the independent NumFocus charity, and the intent is for PyViz to be open to anyone working to improve open-source data visualization capabilities, documentation, and examples in Python. Simply put, this is your site, and the future of it depends on you!
In particular, in the short term it would be great to have as much community involvement as possible, and we welcome:
- PRs to fix typos, broken links, missing items in a list, etc. -- we should be able to merge these quickly and without much trouble.
- PRs to make descriptions more fair, balanced, and nuanced -- please! We are only human, and may not see your favorite project in the same way you do, or know about newly added features, and so on. Please correct any issues that you see like that!
- Additional examples, tutorials, overviews, etc. -- just submit a PR linking to these or capturing them, as long as they clearly show how to reproduce them and explain how to interpret them. E.g. it would be great to get contributions from experts in 3D/SciVis approaches, native-GUI toolkits, and other areas not very well represented so far. But note that only open-source tools will be included in; proprietary tools will have to rely on their own marketing with no help from us!
If there is enough community involvement that we end up having disagreements about focus, content, or intent, Anaconda is very happy to hand control over to an independent board or committee approved by NumFocus. In the meantime, we'll do our best to be as fair as we can, and please contribute!