How to use Direct3D11CaptureFrame with OpenCV / numpy ?
Avasam opened this issue · 6 comments
I can get from a Direct3D11CaptureFrame to a SoftwareBitmap like so:
from import Direct3D11CaptureFramePool
from import IAsyncOperation, AsyncStatus
from import SoftwareBitmap, BitmapBufferAccessMode
def __windows_graphics_capture(frame_pool: Optional[Direct3D11CaptureFramePool], selection: Region):
if not frame_pool:
return None
frame = frame_pool.try_get_next_frame()
if not frame:
return None
def callback(async_operation: IAsyncOperation[SoftwareBitmap], async_status: AsyncStatus):
if async_status != AsyncStatus.COMPLETED:
software_bitmap = async_operation.get_results()
# I got a software bitmap, now what?
async_operation = SoftwareBitmap.create_copy_from_surface_async(frame.surface) # pyright: ignore
async_operation.completed = callback # Should be done synchronously, check how to do so later
According to the official Microsoft doc, I could call LockBuffer, then CreateReference and finally GetBuffer to obtain a bytarray (
But when I do reference = software_bitmap.lock_buffer(BitmapBufferAccessMode.READ_WRITE).create_reference()
, reference
has no method get_buffer
. (maybe it's missing a binding? Also not sure that byte-array is even meaningful here)
The doc does have a section about integration with OpenCV:
I believe opencv2-python's equivalent of mat
used to be cv2.CreateMat
, which I believe is now simply using a numpy array. But I'm once again stuck trying to obtain the pPixelData
, which is obtained from IMemoryBufferByteAccess::GetBuffer method
# Maybe this should work?
bitmap_buffer = software_bitmap.lock_buffer(BitmapBufferAccessMode.READ_WRITE)
memory_buffer_reference = bitmap_buffer.create_reference()
buffer = memory_buffer_reference.get_buffer()
image_as_np_array = np.frombuffer(buffer)
The Python wrappers for IBuffer
and IMemoryBuffer
implement the CPython buffer protocol, so they can usually be passed directly to other Python APIs that expect a bytes-like object.
If I try to use directly with numpy, I get the following error:
bitmap_buffer = software_bitmap.lock_buffer(BitmapBufferAccessMode.READ_WRITE)
np.frombuffer(bitmap_buffer, dtype=np.int8)
a bytes-like object is required, not '_winsdk_Windows_Graphics_Imaging.BitmapBuffer'
It looks like in the case of IMemoryBuffer
you need to call create_reference()
and then pass the return value from to numpy.
I was so close, thanks for steering me in the right direction!
software_bitmap = async_operation.get_results()
reference = software_bitmap.lock_buffer(BitmapBufferAccessMode.READ_WRITE).create_reference()
image = np.frombuffer(cast(bytes, reference), dtype=np.uint8)
Is it not possible without the cast? I guess that just make the linter happy?
software_bitmap = async_operation.get_results()
buffer = software_bitmap.lock_buffer(BitmapBufferAccessMode.READ_WRITE)
image = np.frombuffer(buffer.create_reference(), dtype=np.int8)
The cast is just for the linter when type checking, from
# There is currently no exhaustive way to type the buffer protocol,
# as it is implemented exclusivelly in the C API (python/typing#593)
_SupportsBuffer = Union[
(I've also updated my previous message with dtype=np.uint8
It is fully working, I've been able to render the image in my application.