This is the official implementation of the IJCAI 2024 paper "FedPFT: Federated Proxy Fine-Tuning of Foundation Models".

Primary LanguagePython

FedPFT: Federated Proxy Fine-Tuning of Foundation Models

This is the official implementation of the IJCAI 2024 paper FedPFT: Federated Proxy Fine-Tuning of Foundation Models.


Adapting Foundation Models (FMs) for downstream tasks through Federated Learning (FL) emerges a promising strategy for protecting data privacy and valuable FMs. Existing methods fine-tune FM by allocating sub-FM to clients in FL, however, leading to suboptimal performance due to insufficient tuning and inevitable error accumulations of gradients. In this paper, we propose Federated Proxy Fine-Tuning (FedPFT), a novel method enhancing FMs adaptation in downstream tasks through FL by two key modules. First, the sub-FM construction module employs a layer-wise compression approach, facilitating comprehensive FM fine-tuning across all layers by emphasizing those crucial neurons. Second, the sub-FM alignment module conducts a two-step distillations—layer-level and neuron-level—before and during FL fine-tuning respectively, to reduce error of gradient by accurately aligning sub-FM with FM under theoretical guarantees. Experimental results on seven commonly used datasets (i.e., four text and three vision) demonstrate the superiority of FedPFT. motivation


The overall framework of FedPFT is as follows. We first derive a proxy sub-FM for the server FM, then collaboratively fine-tune the sub-FM through FL, and finally synchronise the updates on the sub-FM to the FM by plugging-in. FedPFT enhances downstream tasks adaptation of FMs through FL by two key module: (1) Sub-FM Construction Module that constructs sub-FMs by performing layer-wise compression on FMs based on neuron saliency; and (2) Sub-FM Alignment Module that reduces the difference between FMs and sub-FMs by layer-level and neuron-level knowledge distillation before and during FL fine-tuning, respectively. overview




Sub-FM construction and distillation before federated fine-tuning

  1. Place the pre-trained models used to conduct experiments in pretrain models folder
  2. Place the distillation datasets in datasets folder
  3. cd ./sub_model_construct in the shell and run the file distill.py to get the distilled NLP sub-FM or run the file distill_vit.py to get the distilled CV sub-FM.
python -m accelerate.commands.launch --multi_gpu --num_processes=4 --main_process_port 25000 --num_machines 1 ./distill.py --model_checkpoint ../pretrain_models/roberta-base --per_device_train_batch_size 32 --learning_rate 6e-4 --logging_steps 0.05 --save_steps 0.1 --distill_epoch 5 --warm_up_ratio 0.048 --gradient_accumulation_steps 8 --layers_retained 0 11 --lr_scheduler_type linear --distill True --qk_rank 768 --intermediate_rank 768 --distill_alpha 0.01

The sub-FM will be stored in sub_model_construct/sub_model

Federated fine-tuning

  1. Place the downstream datasets in datasets folder
  2. cd ./federated_proxy_finetuning in the shell and run the file fedtune.py to fine-tune the NLP FM or run the file fedtune_cv.py to fine-tune the CV FM.
python -m accelerate.commands.launch --multi_gpu --num_processes=4 --main_process_port 25000 --num_machines 1 ./fedtune.py --model_checkpoint ../pretrain_models/roberta-base --sub_model_checkpoint ../sub_model_construct/sub_model/sub-roberta-base-retained011-r1768-r2768 --partitioner iid --learning_rate 0.0008 --num_rounds 5 --align_interval 1 --align_epochs 0.02 --align_retained_ratio 0.5 --num_epochs 1 --lr_scheduler_type 2 --proportion 0.1 --eval_interval 1 --lora_rank 8 --lora_alpha 48 --per_device_train_batch_size 4 --gradient_accumulation_steps 1 --task_name sst2 --method pft

The fedtask generated by FLGo and experiments result of federated fine-tuning will be stored in federated_proxy_finetuning/task and federated_proxy_finetuning/fed-result respectively.

Please refer to FLGo for federated learning scenario settings and transformers for model local training hyperparameter settings.


We conducted the experiment in four parts:

  1. I.I.D scenarios: result1
  2. Non-I.I.D scenarios: result2
  3. Ablation study: result3
  4. Parameter study: result4


If you find our paper useful, please cite the paper:

      title={FedPFT: Federated Proxy Fine-Tuning of Foundation Models}, 
      author={Zhaopeng Peng and Xiaoliang Fan and Yufan Chen and Zheng Wang and Shirui Pan and Chenglu Wen and Ruisheng Zhang and Cheng Wang},