
Question about the demo of visualization

ForawardStar opened this issue · 0 comments

Hi, wonderful project! Here I have a question the visualization. The command for visualizing the detections from the pretrained models in your README.md is:

python tools/demo/demo_image.py --config_file sgg_configs/vgattr/vinvl_x152c4.yaml --img_file ../maskrcnn-benchmark-1/datasets1/imgs/woman_fish.jpg --save_file output/woman_fish_x152c4.obj.jpg MODEL.WEIGHT models/vinvl/vinvl_vg_x152c4.pth MODEL.ROI_HEADS.NMS_FILTER 1 MODEL.ROI_HEADS.SCORE_THRESH 0.2 DATA_DIR "../maskrcnn-benchmark-1/datasets1" TEST.IGNORE_BOX_REGRESSION False
But, in the README.md of Scene Graph Benchmark Repo, the corresponding command is:
python tools/demo/demo_image.py --config_file sgg_configs/vgattr/vinvl_x152c4.yaml --img_file demo/woman_fish.jpg --save_file output/woman_fish_x152c4.obj.jpg MODEL.WEIGHT pretrained_model/vinvl_vg_x152c4.pth MODEL.ROI_HEADS.NMS_FILTER 1 MODEL.ROI_HEADS.SCORE_THRESH 0.2 TEST.IGNORE_BOX_REGRESSION False

There is no DATA_DIR argument is the command of Scene Graph Benchmark Repo, I wonder what is the difference? why DATA_DIR is introduced?