Just some ideas ;)
aersam opened this issue · 3 comments
Wouldn't it be great to have npm-gui integrated into VS Code as an Extension? That would be so awesome!
Also would it be possible in theory to add completely different Package Managers? Say: poetry (python) or nuget (.net)? You're only executing commands, so seems to be very simple and nice design for any package manager
@aersamkull Hi!
Thanks for the feedback ;) I think that integration with VSCode might be tricky, extensions for VSCode are very specific, and this might require a completely new approach.
But the second suggestion about other package managers is very interesting. Currently, I'm focusing on integration with yarn and pnpm and maybe other package managers for javascript. I will consider integration for a completely new environment as you mention ;)
I might be interested in implementing poetry as it has no decent GUI yet. We'll see :)
Accepted feature suggestions moved to README