
CORS headers are missing

rrrnld opened this issue · 3 comments

Please add a wildcard CORS-header to https://wikidatagame-testing.azurewebservices.net to make the API usable from other websites. Example of missing header: https://wikidatagame-testing.azurewebsites.net/api/Platform/Minigame/b957e313-385a-49d1-1d85-08d796c3149c

That makes sense, I can add that in code. Only question: Is a wildcard header a good idea here? Why not just adding q-wiki.github.io to the allowed origins?

You'd need to add localhost as well in order to avoid problems while developing. In general it's common practice to just allow wildcards with APIs. After all you often want people to be able to use them everywhere. Also it avoids problems when changing URLs in the future. ;)

solved with b27c881