
Can't set another language for menus

GHemis opened this issue · 17 comments

Hi there,
Until yesterday, I had a set of menu that was in French and English, using the qtranslate-x plugin.
I updated some of the names of my menu in English and when I applied modifications, all the menus, in both languages, turned to be in English. I tried to correct my menus in French, and when I applied modifications, both set of menus were in French.

I updated my Wordpress version from 4.4.2 to 4.5 yesterday and I suspect this must be the reason why.

  • Julie

The problem will appear only if you change the label of any menu item after upgrading to 4.5. Then all the labels, not just the one(s) you changed, turn monolingual.

The workaround is to disable qtranslate-x, change each of the menu labels strings to what they should be, for example [:en]Service[:ja]サービス[:], then re-enable the plugin.

In 4.5, even if you just hit the "Save Menu" button without making any changes, the menu will turn monolingual.

Yes! In our prog. team whe have the same issue!

Disabling and reactivating qtranslate-x will reanable the correct menu or do I have to re-set again the double language for each item?

  • I got in my test site which has debug on this warning and maybe is related to your plugin
    add_utility_page is deprecated since version 4.5! Use add_menu_page() instead. in /web/htdocs/www.wocmultimedia.biz/home/test_site/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3662

EDIT: I tried to change the Navigation Label of menu item to not recreate the whole menu list but it's the same. If I set the Italian name after saving it shows Italian name in both language and vice versa.

bug - qtranslatex1

I discovered its not necessary to disable the plugin. Just edit all the labels and press save once.
Note: ALL labels have to be done again at the same time - even if only one needs changing.

Do you mean you have to write the quick tags too? Because I changed the label and after saving they show same word for both language.
There's something weird because after deactivating and reactivating the plugin twice, partially the old menu was restored and new label shows in one language only. I will make new attempt to identify a good workaround.

I found a good workaround. The way I found is, go to Settings > Languages > Advanced and choose RAW instead of the LSB. Then go to Appearance > Menus and rewrite the Item labels. You can copy the title with quicktags from Original and paste in the Navigation Label then Save.
After adjusting the Menu Items can revert to LSB for an easier post compilation

Thank you @wocmultimedia, using the RAW option is definitely the fastest way to deal with it!

I do not understand, why this ticket is closed? Because it works without LSB is not a bug?!!! It still a problem.


The issue is actually open. See the status after the issue's title on the top of this page. That "Closed" you are seeing at the bottom refers to the issue #377, which is a duplicate of this one.

I'm also affected by this bug and waiting for a solution. I think the best is that you subscribe to the issue, then you will get any status update.

Best regards

I found a good workaround. The way I found is, go to Settings > Languages > Advanced and choose RAW instead of the LSB. Then go to Appearance > Menus and rewrite the Item labels. You can copy the title with quicktags from Original and paste in the Navigation Label then Save.
After adjusting the Menu Items can revert to LSB for an easier post compilation

thank you wocmultimedia for this. Since I am a newbie could you please explain how do I copy the title with quicktags from original?

@davidrio7 Hi, it's easy. You go to the menu, click on the little triangle on the topright of the item you want to change and it opens. In this panel you see the field named "Original" go with the mouse to the end of the line where you find the [:] click and move to the left to select and copy like any other text.
Then you go to Navigation Label and paste it. That's all.

I find it easier to just type it in...

you see the pattern
[:country-code] words [:another-country-code] words [:]
and just a colon to finish

do you think Polylang is easier to work with? I just installed it on another website I run and it seems ok

Are you looking for a solution with qtranslate-x or just playing around.
If you need to use qtranslate-x just make the use of one of the workarounds till the bug is fixed and go on working, Sparing one or two minutes is nothing respect of having the site messed.
My workaround was ok for me cause I have more than 50 items and titles were longer and different from what appeared on navigation label, so copying from original helped me to save time while to other people not. Don't worry and before creating a new site make several tests with plugins none is perfect.

Please, if you guys have some time, help us to test the fix asap, as described in WP thread.

I am closing this issue to keep all updates in one place - please report your tests results in https://wordpress.org/support/topic/issues-with-wordpress-45 Thank you very much for all.