
Migrating away from qTranslate

anttius opened this issue · 3 comments


Our companies website was build with divi builder together with qtranslate. They are not compatible and its causing a lot of problems. Apparently there are no working plugins to migrate to polylang from qTranslate.

I was thinking of saving every single page and project as a divi layout template - removing qTranslate with one language left and building new language sites from the layouts with polylang.

Problem is when i deactivate qTranslate, there is no one default language left while the other disappears, but there is a mess of 3 languages combined.

Is there a way to get through this somehow?

Thanks all!

  • Antti

qTranslate-X is a dead repo for 3 years so you won't get help here. We have been reviving it with qTranslate-XT and it seems some people are using with Divi (e.g. qtranslate/qtranslate-xt#717) althrough there's no specific change to handle this plugin so far so i don't see why it wouldn't work with qTranslate-X, there should be something else explaining this.

If you migrate to another tool you have to deal with the raw values by yourself.

It's not working with DIVI.
But I read, you can use qtranslate to WPML migration plugin (you don't need wpml for that) and afterwards you can use the WPML to Polylang Migration Plugin.

No, you will be able to import only one language without the WPML standard plugin