
[BUG] Garage showing cars are there but saying they "arent in the depot" when selected

JStrine127 opened this issue · 4 comments

Describe the bug
2 issues in 1 here. 1 being that the garage list will show a car, but when the car is selected, it notifies that the car is not in the depot. This happens about 50% of the time. The second issue is that you can put a car in the garage, and its gone forever, It shows in the database but will never appear in any garage.

To Reproduce
Not really sure. This is an intermittent issue with no error codes. It works fine 50% of the time

Expected behavior
I expect the cars to be in the garage they were put in and to be there when called


Questions (please complete the following information):

  • When you last updated: 2 days ago, but its been doing this since before the update
  • Are you using custom resource? which ones? No
  • Have you renamed qb- to something custom? No

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

I haven't experienced either of these issues, could you please try to get a clip or something for me and make a post in the discord and tag me. Thank you

If I could shed some light, I am having a similar issue. If, for instance the choose parking spot is occupied (it could even be by the player themselves) then the car will spawn WAY out in the ocean. https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1199509997055389736/1199795109789716490/20240124131707_1.jpg?ex=65c3d745&is=65b16245&hm=c0aae5e7c75793cd471641d4d14f0fb5d6b5874ab9f78a0a4645e8d751ca4884&=&format=webp&width=1252&height=524

What is happening is the script is not waiting for the location to be set before beginning the spawning process, so if the location choosing process fails (space is occupied), then it spawn the vehicle in the water and sometimes changes the state to 0.

Same sort of issue but mildly different. We are sending cars to depot either by way of DV or through the /depot or /impound and it is taking a server reboot to be able to retrieve the vehicle.

This issue has had 60 days of inactivity & will close within 7 days