
Weapon License is not working correctly

twigmasters opened this issue · 2 comments

Describe the bug
Was testing the weapon shops with a friend and as a cop I used "/grantlicense [ID] weapon" to give him a weapons license. He gets the notification but has nothing in his inventory. Then tries to buy a gun and still gets the message that he needs a license. So I did it again using the command and it says he has a license.

I then used the same command to give one to myself and had the same result as a cop.

I looked in qb-core shared configs to make sure it is in the items list and weapons license is there.

anyone else run into this and know how to fix it?

He needs to go buy it from city hall

so police use the command to grant it to a player and then they have to pick it up at city hall? Tested and it works Thanks!