

fappyfeet opened this issue · 0 comments

When changing to a different job, the old job blip stays on the map. For example, if a change from trucker to garbage: The Truck Shed blip stays on the map, but the Truck Storage is removed (which is good). I had this problem when changing from garbage to other jobs as well, but I fixed it with some change in the code.

elseif garbageBlip ~= nil then

I have tried to do the same with the truck job, but the code is so different.

Would be nice if old job blips are removed when you change job.
This is not only for garbage and trucking but jobs in general. 😁

I see now that I didn't really fix the garb-job. the blip is gone when I change job, but the ped still stands there with the option to spawn garb-truck. Which shouldn't be possible when my job status says something else.