
HTTP/2 support

Closed this issue · 7 comments

The qBittorrent website doesn't support HTTP/2. Apache does support it, so it shouldn't be hard to fix.

Yeah, just have to mix and match the modules. Luckily the maintenance replaced the OS so now we don't have to rely on PPAs anymore to have proper support. (Apache in most distros are old so they don't have HTTP/2, only new Apache versions have that.)

Okay, at least this is done/complete. I will add IPv6 tomorrow evening or so. Thanks for the reports again!

(Can't close bugs here, I am only a team member on the qBittorrent tracker.)

You should be able to close issues now.

Can confirm as fixed. Thank you!

Can you also enable these modules: mod_headers, mod_expires, mod_rewrite?

@Chocobo1 Of course, I have moved to a new Apache branch that is not PPA based (so would likely to break less.) Did not want to move over all configs as that could have broke things needlessly. All enabled!