
can't see my entities

Closed this issue · 3 comments


First of all thank you for this extension, I can't get it to work, though. I have configured it with my instance address and the key. But when I type in ha, it doesn't work. Or ha forecast. Ulauncher shows me loading and doesn't move.

Is there any way to get debugging information?

Hi, could you double check that the URL is correct? To debug I'd do either of these:

  1. Test with curl, using your API token and HA url:

curl -v -H "Authorization: Bearer API_TOKEN_HERE"

  1. Quit and re-run ulauncher in the terminal, which may give you error logs if there's something weird going on.

Let me know if either of those shed any light!

I had not put in the url: https:// ... My bad

No problem! It should account for that, I'll make the url less strict in the future.