
Bad svg image quality

Bittner322 opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello. I have a problem with your library.
This is result when i'm loading picture via your library:
Снимок экрана 2023-04-14 в 01 10 17
This is the picture:
Снимок экрана 2023-04-14 в 01 11 50
Actual fun:
@Composable actual fun rememberAsyncImagePainter(fileResource: FileResource): AsyncImagePainter { return rememberAsyncImagePainter(fileResource.rawResId) }
Expect fun:
@Composable expect fun rememberAsyncImagePainter(fileResource: FileResource): AsyncImagePainter
Note: files storage is provided by Moko-Resources
Libraries versions:
imageloader: 1.2.10 (upgrading to 1.3.1 did no impact)
compose: 1.3.0-rc05
moko-resources: 0.20.1

Try to see if a configuration like the one below can be fixed?

ImageLoader {
    components {
            useSvgSizeFirst = true

Hi, I switched out of the old solution and handled it the same way as SVGPainter, this way the default size of the svg may be more accurate.