
Web app console error: Its dependency '@js-joda/core' was not found

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Hi after adding compose-imageloader dependency in my compose multiplatform project, i m getting following error in web app console and app is not loading anything:

caught Error: Error loading module 'compose-instagram-clone-multiplatform'. Its dependency '@js-joda/core' was not found. Please, check whether '@js-joda/core' is loaded prior to 'compose-instagram-clone-multiplatform'.

where compose-instagram-clone-multiplatform is my project name just for clarifications.

If i remove this dependency , it works fine. any idea about this issue?

It seems to be caused by okio-fakefilesystem referencing kotlinx-datetime, I'll remove the js default filesystem later.

Hi @qdsfdhvh, thanks. By when it will be fixed? and till then can we have any workaround for making this working for web?

I'm posting 1.4.3, reopen this issue if still have problems.

Sure, i will check it and update you.

Hi @qdsfdhvh , how much time it takes for the release to available, currently i am getting following error:

  > Could not find io.github.qdsfdhvh:image-loader:1.4.3.
     Searched in the following locations:
       - https://dl.google.com/dl/android/maven2/io/github/qdsfdhvh/image-loader/1.4.3/image-loader-1.4.3.pom
       - https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/io/github/qdsfdhvh/image-loader/1.4.3/image-loader-1.4.3.pom
       - https://maven.pkg.jetbrains.space/public/p/compose/dev/io/github/qdsfdhvh/image-loader/1.4.3/image-loader-1.4.3.pom

It depends on the maven server, sometimes it's fast, sometimes it can take half a day if it's slow.

@qdsfdhvh, Its working fine now, thanks for great support.