br base -- base branch, common utility
Makefile test_utility_h.cpp utility.h
br bi -- bit manipulation
br comb -- combination/permutation
comb.cpp permute.cpp
br fc -- flow control, see also " pac
algo.cpp binarySearch.cpp bucket.cpp diff.cpp isomorphism.cpp rank.cpp reverse.cpp two_pointer.cpp unique.cpp
br pac -- partition and combine, see also " fc
binaryIndexTree.cpp exp.cpp greedy.cpp heap.cpp ls.cpp merge.cpp pac.cpp range.cpp segmentTree.cpp sqrt.cpp suffix.cpp
br math -- math, eg, number theory, computational geometry
grid.cpp int.cpp math.cpp modulo.cpp prime.cpp rand.cpp sqrt.cpp square.cpp
br graph -- graph algorithm and related data structure
disjointSet.cpp graph.cpp
br str -- string and parsing technique
br tree -- tree related, see also " graph
tree.cpp trim.cpp
br lc -- leetcode +/- misc, see also " mx
lc.cpp fc.cpp Int.cpp
br mx -- misc, see also " lc
br adt -- data structure
of(overflow) fc(flow control) tp(two pointer)
TODO -- things to be done
library -- clean and reusable code that should go to personal library -- or blog?
bug -- possibly bug, need to be fixed if so
fixed bug -- bugs been fixed, the lessons that should be learned
knowledge -- useful knowledge