About the low-dose simulation dataset used in the text
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Thank you for sharing and actively communicating about the model code. I was performing a low-dose CT simulation based on “A Simple Low-Dose X-Ray CT Simulation From High-Dose Scan” and noticed that the range of values in the Sinogram has a significant impact on the results. I have encountered a lot of problems in this process. Could you please share the code of the low-dose simulation program or the simulated low-dose dataset used in the following article?
感谢您关于模型代码的分享和积极交流,我在根据“A Simple Low-Dose X-Ray CT Simulation From High-Dose Scan”进行低剂量CT模拟时注意到Sinogram的值域范围对结果影响很大,在这个过程中遇到了很多问题。请问可否分享下文中使用的低剂量模拟程序代码或者模拟的低剂量数据集,万分感谢!
Thank you for sharing and actively communicating about the model code. I was performing a low-dose CT simulation based on “A Simple Low-Dose X-Ray CT Simulation From High-Dose Scan” and noticed that the range of values in the Sinogram has a significant impact on the results. I have encountered a lot of problems in this process. Could you please share the code of the low-dose simulation program or the simulated low-dose dataset used in the following article?
感谢您关于模型代码的分享和积极交流,我在根据“A Simple Low-Dose X-Ray CT Simulation From High-Dose Scan”进行低剂量CT模拟时注意到Sinogram的值域范围对结果影响很大,在这个过程中遇到了很多问题。请问可否分享下文中使用的低剂量模拟程序代码或者模拟的低剂量数据集,万分感谢!
Thank you for sharing and actively communicating about the model code. I was performing a low-dose CT simulation based on “A Simple Low-Dose X-Ray CT Simulation From High-Dose Scan” and noticed that the range of values in the Sinogram has a significant impact on the results. I have encountered a lot of problems in this process. Could you please share the code of the low-dose simulation program or the simulated low-dose dataset used in the following article?
感谢您关于模型代码的分享和积极交流,我在根据“A Simple Low-Dose X-Ray CT Simulation From High-Dose Scan”进行低剂量CT模拟时注意到Sinogram的值域范围对结果影响很大,在这个过程中遇到了很多问题。请问可否分享下文中使用的低剂量模拟程序代码或者模拟的低剂量数据集,万分感谢!
Thank you for sharing and actively communicating about the model code. I was performing a low-dose CT simulation based on “A Simple Low-Dose X-Ray CT Simulation From High-Dose Scan” and noticed that the range of values in the Sinogram has a significant impact on the results. I have encountered a lot of problems in this process. Could you please share the code of the low-dose simulation program or the simulated low-dose dataset used in the following article?
感谢您关于模型代码的分享和积极交流,我在根据“A Simple Low-Dose X-Ray CT Simulation From High-Dose Scan”进行低剂量CT模拟时注意到Sinogram的值域范围对结果影响很大,在这个过程中遇到了很多问题。请问可否分享下文中使用的低剂量模拟程序代码或者模拟的低剂量数据集,万分感谢!您好,我想问一下模拟低剂量ct用到的工具和数据相关问题。需要的数据是要ct的投影数据吗,还有是如何进行模拟的
我是用的ASTRA toolkit,我的操作如下但可能有误:先把CT图像的HU值图转成线性衰减系数,再投影到sinogram,对sinogram根据成像参数缩放之后处理,再反投影回线性衰减系数,最后转回HU值,
Thank you for sharing and actively communicating about the model code. I was performing a low-dose CT simulation based on “A Simple Low-Dose X-Ray CT Simulation From High-Dose Scan” and noticed that the range of values in the Sinogram has a significant impact on the results. I have encountered a lot of problems in this process. Could you please share the code of the low-dose simulation program or the simulated low-dose dataset used in the following article?
感谢您关于模型代码的分享和积极交流,我在根据“A Simple Low-Dose X-Ray CT Simulation From High-Dose Scan”进行低剂量CT模拟时注意到Sinogram的值域范围对结果影响很大,在这个过程中遇到了很多问题。请问可否分享下文中使用的低剂量模拟程序代码或者模拟的低剂量数据集,万分感谢!您好,我想问一下模拟低剂量ct用到的工具和数据相关问题。需要的数据是要ct的投影数据吗,还有是如何进行模拟的
@kklay11 我是用的ASTRA toolkit,我的操作如下但可能有误:先把CT图像的HU值图转成线性衰减系数,再投影到sinogram,对sinogram根据成像参数缩放之后处理,再反投影回线性衰减系数,最后转回HU值,
@zhenneidazhi1022 @qgao21 所以不需要用投影数据是吧,我之前的理解可能有误,以为要从投影数据开始。用到的数据只是从NDCT图像开始对吗,对它操作 前投影 获得投影数据,在这个投影数据进行操作以模拟低剂量,然后重建回图像域。不知道我的理解是否正确,期待您的回复。
还有我看作者引用的(https://github.com/smuzd/LD-CT-simulation)是MIRT工具箱,ASTRA toolkit和MIRT都行吗,重建是用FBP就行了吗;这套流程在Windows系统下能用吗
- 您的理解是正确的,不需要使用Mayo 2016数据集提供的投影数据。先对NDCT做前投影,就可以使用LD-CT-simulation进行LDCT仿真。
- 使用ASTRA或MIRT都可以,具体前投影和FBP重建函数可以看一下使用手册。ASTRA可以在windows系统下运行,MIRT只能在macOS和Linux系统下运行。
- 您的理解是正确的,不需要使用Mayo 2016数据集提供的投影数据。先对NDCT做前投影,就可以使用LD-CT-simulation进行LDCT仿真。
- 使用ASTRA或MIRT都可以,具体前投影和FBP重建函数可以看一下使用手册。ASTRA可以在windows系统下运行,MIRT只能在macOS和Linux系统下运行。
- 官方提供的是螺旋扫描投影数据,基于扇形束投影进行仿真更为方便。
- 因为我们在Mayo 2016数据集上进行泛化性验证需要获取其他剂量数据(50%,10%和5%),为保证仿真数据的一致性,对于25%剂量我们也使用了自己仿真的数据。论文的泛化性实验中使用的Mayo 2020低剂量数据是官方提供的低剂量数据。
- 官方提供的是螺旋扫描投影数据,基于扇形束投影进行仿真更为方便。
- 因为我们在Mayo 2016数据集上进行泛化性验证需要获取其他剂量数据(50%,10%和5%),为保证仿真数据的一致性,对于25%剂量我们也使用了自己仿真的数据。论文的泛化性实验中使用的Mayo 2020低剂量数据是官方提供的低剂量数据。