
Update R scripts from the QGIS 2 collection to QGIS 3 and Processing R Provider 2.0

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This is an issue to track the progress of the updating of R scripts from the QGIS 2 online R script collection.

I will contribute, and others are welcome!

Some of the updates are quite simple - just add
to avoid using sf for loading datasets.

The scripts from the QGIS 2 online R script collection:

  • [R-Geostatistics] #24

    • Ordinary Kriging (renamed to Ordinary_Kriging) #24
    • Variogram Modelling (renamed to Variogram_Modelling) #24
  • Basic statistics

    • A-star #26
    • ACP_cercle (renamed to PCA_cercle) #26
    • ACP_contribution (renamed to PCA_contribution) #26
    • ACP_individus (renamed to PCA_individus) #26
    • ACP_var (renamed to PCA_var)
    • AFC (renamed to CoA) #26
    • AFDM (renamed to FAMD) #26
    • Alpha_shape #26
    • ANOVA
    • Autocor_spatiale (renamed to Autocor_Moran) #26
    • CAH (renamed to HCA) #26
    • CART #26
    • Close_neighbor #26
    • Density_curve
    • Distance
    • Douglas-Peucker
    • Douglas-Peucker_with_choice
    • Extract_points_from_line #26
    • Frequency_table
    • Inverse_Distance_Weigthing (renamed to Inverse_Distance_Weighting)
    • Inverse_Distance_Weigthing_with_method_selection (renamed to Inverse_Distance_Weighting_with_method_selection) #26
    • Kernel_density_estimation
    • Kolmogrov-Smirnov_test
    • Kriging #24
    • Kriging_with_model_selection #24
    • Multiple_Regression #24
    • Polygone (renamed to Polygon_coordinates) #26
    • Selection_Cp #26
    • Selection_with_Bayesian_Information_Criterion #26
    • Selection_with_criterion_choice #26 - needs fixing
    • Selection_with_r2 #26
    • Selection_with_r2_adjusted #26
    • Simple_Linear_Regression #24
    • Summary_statistics #26
    • Tobler
  • ggplot

    • ternaryPlots
  • Home range analysis

    • Minimum_convex_polygon
  • Plots

    • qqplot
  • Point pattern analysis

    • F_function
    • G_function
    • Monte-Carlo_spatial_randomness
    • Quadrat_analysis
    • Random_sampling_grid
    • Regular_sampling_grid
    • Relative_distribution_(distance_covariate) #24
    • Relative_distribution_(raster_covariate) #24
    • Ripley_-_Rasson_spatial_domain
  • Raster processing

    • Advanced_raster_histogram
    • Raster_histogram
    • raster-attribute-table
  • Vector processing

    • barplots (renamed to barplot)
    • frequency_plot
    • ggplot_scatterplot
    • Histogram
    • scatterplot_log
    • scatterplot_types
  • Summarize_by_field #24

  • Summarize_by_two_fields #24