
Initial high CPU load on Firefox

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When Firefox is loading the qgis-js WebAssembly module, one core is 100% busy for some time. This is likely something FF does internally when loading such a large .wasm module:

  • The high CPU load goes towards zero after some time (~4min on my machine). The website is still working/responsive after that and stays idle when doing more render calls
  • The same thing happens with the 0.0.3 version, see https://boardend.github.io/qgis-js-baseline/
  • The same thing happens if I just return 0 in the main function
  • This behavior was observed in FF on Ubuntu Wayland and X11, also on FF on Windows 11
  • FF profiler only shows that the PollWrapper is busy polling
  • Hard to judge, but it seems that other larger Qt projects show similar behavior, although not as extreme as in qgis-js: