
Close website

qgustavor opened this issue · 1 comments

It was 2016 when I made "The Initial Commit". At this time I was experimenting Service Workers on Chrome, I found that Response.prototype.body was a stream and I wanted to make something with this. Then I remembered that tonistiigi/mega works using streams so I could just make a Service Worker that uses it, add some code to bridge between Node Streams into WebStreams, then browserify it.

But tonistiigi's mega isn't easy to browserify, so I made a fork of it. I often used direct-mega to do some strange experiments like using MEGA as a non-encrypted file storage and I also made megajs-cli to make things like adding thumbnails to .txt files or using custom folder keys. Those tools also helped me dogfooding my fork.

Now, two years later, things changed:

  • Most browsers don't implemented WebStreams in the same way Chrome did, causing many cross-browser bugs;
  • MEGA implemented a media player in their website, making !view kinda useless (with few exceptions);
  • Megatools implemented many new features (like parallel uploading and file selection), making megajs-cli a bit useless too (except for weird people who like adding thumbnails to .txt files);
  • I tried to do MKV to MP4 remuxing so lots of MKV files stored on MEGA could be viewed directly on the browser (even today MEGA still don't supports directly viewing then), but it's too hard to implement.

Finally some people started to use Direct MEGA to share malware and, well, sometimes I need to convince anti-malware services that the page contents are not at my control: "Google systems indicate that https://directme[.]ga/ no longer contains links to harmful sites or downloads." Some months ago I was checking error logs then I noticed that malware was becoming too common, so I blocked all kinds of files except media files and text files.

Because of those problems I will close the website. The plan is this:

  • Today: The plan of closing the website is made public;
  • September 1st: All links to directme.ga will redirect to mega.nz, except the home page;
  • September of 2019: Website closes (well, if Freenom don't closes the website first);

If anyone is using this website (like some Tamil and old game websites) I recommend forking the current code and making it work only with files you uploaded (how you implement it is up to you: Ed25519 signatures in file attributes? A whitelist of MEGA URLs? Be creative.). Would be nice if you change the page style: the current design is from http://bettermotherfuckingwebsite.com/ I like it, it's simple, but not too simple like the original, neither too complex like the others, but some people may not like this.

Seems Freenom cancelled the domain. That's it guys, time to archive this repository! Good night and thanks.