
Train Errors and Is `model_final.pth` available?

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I've followed README in this repo but when I was trying to train the model, it reported errors like the following:

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'data/RobotCar/object/radar/1547122542212635.jpg'

Besides, when I turned to evaluate the model, it reported errors like the following:

AssertionError: Checkpoint ./output/mvdnet/model_final.pth not found!

Could you please provide a copy of model_final.pth?

我在这个 repo 中关注了 README,但是当我尝试训练模型时,它报告了如下错误:

FileNotFoundError:[Errno 2] 没有这样的文件或目录:' data/RobotCar/object/radar/1547122542212635.jpg '


AssertionError: Checkpoint ./output/mvdnet/model_final.pth not found !

you can modify the data pass in register_robotcar.py