
autologin your server when you use jumpers

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


autologin your server when you use jumpers


  1. you need to install shyml: shyaml
  2. download automate.sh and session.yaml
  3. edit session.yaml,filling your jumper info and server info
  4. run: ./automate.sh myserver

Support MFA

  • support google MFA
  • you need to clone the repo: google-authenticator and modify the secret.json file which contain your MFA factor and user name
  • when you have content in sessdion.yaml
  sshlogin: "ssh -p 2222 root@myjumpserverip"
    - {expect: OTP, send: ""}

automate.sh will calculate the OTP code and send to the jump server