Awesome Gio

Gio related links

Gio Core

Community Libraries

Software built with Gio

  • Scatter, an implementation of the Signal protocol over email.
  • godcr, a cross-platform desktop wallet for the Decred cryptocurrency.
  • sprig, a client for the Arbor chat system.
  • Arbor
  • Kanban
  • Frost, Wannabe matrix client
  • Iconx, Browser for Material icons
  • sjqm, Chinese astrology calendar
  • gdlv, GUI front-end for the Delve debugger, supports Gio as a backend for nucular.
  • Diagram, Diagram drawing
  • Blocks, Tetris clone
  • Protonet, A P2P chat app for Android
  • photon Fast RSS reader as light as a photon


General GPU