Imported target "Boost::system" includes non-existent path "/include" (from ocs2_core)
elpimous opened this issue · 3 comments
did you ever seen that ?
here is the terminal catkin build error.
the catkin_build : catkin build ocs2_legged_robot_ros ocs2_self_collision_visualization
system : i86 UP extreme i7
Don't know to do. tested many times, and with new fresh ros.
Thanks the team.
The packages you built are pure OCS2s, so you might open an issue in the OCS2 repo.
Correct. I didit, thanks
found solution..
in file : /home/"your_login"/catkin_ws/devel/share/ocs2_core/cmake/ocs2_coreConfig.cmake
L96, replaced :
set(_include_dirs "/home/ylo2/catkin_ws/src/ocs2/ocs2_core/include;/home/ylo2/catkin_ws/src/ocs2/ocs2_core/test/include;/usr/include/eigen3;/include")
with :
set(_include_dirs "/home/ylo2/catkin_ws/src/ocs2/ocs2_core/include;/home/ylo2/catkin_ws/src/ocs2/ocs2_core/test/include;/usr/include/eigen3;include")
## removed "/"