
real robot stand-up steps

elpimous opened this issue · 6 comments

Hi all,
Trying to standup my robot (not a unitree one),

1/ run the robot hardware : roslaunch legged_unitree_hw legged_unitree_hw.launch
* calibration, and initialization

2/ run the controller : roslaunch legged_controllers load_controller.launch
* loads shared libs

3/ run the legged_controller :

rosservice call /controller_manager/switch_controller "start_controllers: ['controllers/legged_controller']                   
stop_controllers: ['']
strictness: 0
start_asap: false
timeout: 0.0" 

In this step, legs are moving, and shaking !!

question1 / Do legs want to reach initial pose ? Where to modify the pose ?

question2 / The robot shouldn't move, until I send the rostopic pub -1 /cmd_vel..., correct ?

Legs shouldn't move before the cmd_vel command. (for legs extention)
why do they move?
Params in reference and task info are for robot up.
could it be a Urdf bad value?

Please help guys. Anyone.
need to have a work direction.

urdf ok ! same problem :
here is my rviz topics :
Capture d’écran de 2023-06-15 22-40-31
Capture d’écran de 2023-06-15 22-40-34

Small up, friends ?

UP please

solved, problem of unsigned fftorque !