
Some questions about this code“adanet”

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I received an email regarding the code, but the email address was invalid to reply. I will just post it here.

I'm sorry to bother you,Recently, I have read your article and felt enlightened. I'm interested in the t-SNE illustration in your article, but the connection after the code doesn't go in. If you have seen my letter, Would you mind sending me a related link? Thank you very much.
Wish you a happy life
xxxxxx(Graduate prospective graduate)

Please find the file for plotting the figure in this link

The link previously provided in the repository is a google drive file, thus you need to use vpn within mainland China.

To reproduce the figure, first install:
pip3 install scikit-learn==0.20.1
Then run the python3 script in the file.

Let me know if you have any other questions.

Best regards,