
Learning Based Calibrated Photometric Stereo for Non-Lambertian Surface (ECCV 2018)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


PS-FCN: A Flexible Learning Framework for Photometric Stereo, ECCV 2018,
Guanying Chen, Kai Han, Kwan-Yee K. Wong

This paper addresses the problem of learning based photometric stereo for non-Lambertian surface.


  • June 25, 2020: We have updated the code to support applying data normalization for handling surface with SVBRDFs, as introduced in the journal version of this work.
  • July 27, 2019: We have already updated the code to support Python 3.7 + PyTorch 1.10. To run the previous version (Python 2.7 + PyTorch 0.40), please checkout to python2.7 branch first (e.g., git checkout python2.7).


PS-FCN is implemented in PyTorch and tested with Ubuntu 14.04, please install PyTorch first following the official instruction.

  • Python 3.7
  • PyTorch (version = 1.10)
  • numpy
  • scipy
  • CUDA-9.0


We provide:

  • Datasets: Blobby dataset (4.7 GB), Sculpture dataset (19 GB)
  • Trained models (on both the Blobby dataset and the Sculpture dataset with a per-sample input number of 32):
    • PS-FCN for calibrated photometric stereo
    • UPS-FCN for uncalibrated photometric stereo
  • Code to test on DiLiGenT main dataset
  • Code to train a new model

没有使用 Data Normalization for Handling SVBRDFs (TPAMI)

使用 trained models 来做 Test

1. Download the trained models => 已经完成

通过访问 百度网盘地址:(PS-FCN and UPS-FCN) 来下载 3个 trained models 然后 put PS-FCN_B_S_32_normalize.pth.tar & PS-FCN_B_S_32.pth.tar & UPS-FCN_B_S_32.pth.tar in ./data/models/.

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(1) 下载3个 trained models(PS-FCN_B_S_32_normalize.pth.tar & PS-FCN_B_S_32.pth.tar & UPS-FCN_B_S_32.pth.tar )

下载好的3个 原始 trained models:

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然后移动到 ./data/models 目录下:

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  • Please note that the checkpoint names end with '.tar', and there is no need to untar them.

2. 下载 diligent 数据集

(1) 下载 diligent 数据集

https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/mu7d7qspqhknm8q4c4q8d/DiLiGenT.zip?e=3&rlkey=w3y0ahiwmk6rhkul2yt27udgw&dl=0 下载 DiLiGenT 数据集

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解压并且放到 /home/qingpowuwu/Project_15_illumination/0_Dataset_Original/DiLiGenT 目录下

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(2) 把 /home/qingpowuwu/Project_15_illumination/0_Dataset_Original/DiLiGenT 目录下 的 DiLiGenT 数据集 链接到 4_PS-FCN-master-2018/data/datasets/DiLiGenT 下面


# Download DiLiGenT main dataset
sh scripts/1_prepare_diligent_dataset.sh


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3. 使用 pretrained model & diligent 数据集来做 evaluation

(1) 使用 image-light pairs 当作 input 来做 Testing

# Test PS-FCN on DiLiGenT main dataset using all of the 96 image-light pairs
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python eval/run_model.py --retrain data/models/PS-FCN_B_S_32.pth.tar --in_img_num 96

训练的结果可以在 data/Training/run_model/ 中看到:

(2) 只使用 images 当作 input 来做 Testing

# Test UPS-FCN on DiLiGenT main dataset only using images as input 
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python eval/run_model.py --retrain data/models/UPS-FCN_B_S_32.pth.tar --in_img_num 96 --in_light

训练的结果可以在 data/Training/run_model/ 中看到:


1. Train from Scratch

To train a new PS-FCN model, please follow the following steps:

(1) 下载 synthetic Blobby & Sculpture training 数据集 (4.7+19=23.7 GB) => 已经完成

通过访问 百度网盘地址:(PS-FCN and UPS-FCN) 来下载 synthetic Blobby & Sculpture 数据集

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(2) 把 /home/qingpowuwu/Project_15_illumination/0_Dataset_Original/DiLiGenT 目录下 的 synthetic Blobby & Sculpture training 数据集 连接到 4_PS-FCN-master-2018/data/datasets/PS_Blobby_Dataset & 4_PS-FCN-master-2018/data/datasets/PS_Sculpture_Dataset 下面


sh scripts/2_download_synthetic_blobby_sculpture_datasets.sh


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(3) Train PS-FCN and UPS-FCN 模型

# Train PS-FCN on both synthetic datasets using 32 images-light pairs
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python main.py --concat_data --in_img_num 32

# Train UPS-FCN on both synthetic datasets using 32 images
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python main.py --concat_data --in_img_num 32 --in_light --item uncalib

# Please refer to options/base_opt.py and options/train_opt.py for more options

# You can find checkpoints and results in data/Training/

训练的结果 (train/checkpoints & val/images)可以在 ./data/Training/ 里面看到

  • ./data/Training/train/ 里面的 chekpoints

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  • ./data/Training/val/ 里面的图片

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(4) 用 训练好的 PS-FCN and UPS-FCN 模型 做 Testing


CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python eval/run_model.py --retrain data/Training/calib-2024-07-04/train/checkp_30.pth.tar --in_img_num 96
# You can find the results in data/Training/run_model

Data Normalization for Handling SVBRDFs (TPAMI)

使用 trained models 来做 Test

1. 下载 trained models

trained model PS-FCN_B_S_32_normalize.pth.tar 在之前已经下载好了,并且放到了 ./data/models/ 下面

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2. Test on the DiLiGenT main dataset

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python eval/run_model.py --retrain data/models/PS-FCN_B_S_32_normalize.pth.tar --in_img_num 96 --normalize --train_img_num 32
# You can find the results in data/Training/run_model

Train from Scratch

1. Training from Scratch

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python main.py --concat_data --in_img_num 32 --normalize --item normalize
# You can find checkpoints and results in data/Training/normalize


Q1: How to test PS-FCN on other dataset?

  • You have to implement a customized Dataset class to load your data. Please refer to datasets/DiLiGenT_data.py for an example that loads the DiLiGenT main dataset. - Precomputed results on DiLiGenT main/test dataset, Gourd&Apple dataset, Light Stage Dataset and Synthetic Te-st dataset are available upon request.

Q2: Which eight sculpture shapes were used in rendering the training datasets? Why?

  • Normal maps of the eight selected sculpture shapes are shown in the below figure (filenames can be found in this link). We chose these 8 shapes for their high quality meshes and complex geometry. Other complex 3D objects can also be used.

Q3: What should I do if I have problem in running your code?

  • Please create an issue if you encounter errors when trying to run the code. Please also feel free to submit a bug report.

Q4: Where can I download the Gourd&Apple dataset and Light Stage Data Gallery used in the paper?

  • Gourd&Apple dataset is introduced in the paper [Photometric stereo with non-parametric and spatially-varying reflectance, Alldrin et al., CVPR 2008]. You may try to download this dataset from Alldrin's homepage. However, it seems that this link is not working now. You may send an email to the authors for this dataset. You can download the Light Stage Data Gallery from http://vgl.ict.usc.edu/Data/LightStage/. To test PS-FCN on these two datasets, please first preprocess and reorganize the images in a way similar to DiLiGent benchmark.


If you find this code or the provided data useful in your research, please consider cite:

  title={{PS-FCN}: A Flexible Learning Framework for Photometric Stereo},
  author={Chen, Guanying and Han, Kai and Wong, Kwan-Yee K.},
  title={Deep Photometric Stereo for Non-{Lambertian} Surfaces},
  author={Chen, Guanying and Han, Kai and Shi, Boxin and Matsushita, Yasuyuki and Wong, Kwan-Yee~K.},