
A game server based on terminator which based on skynet

Primary LanguageLua



OUTSIDE <===> http:agents -- all other services 
 client <---> gateway:agents -- user:users      \
                    |       /       \         -- database:agents
               login:agents   dungeon:cells     /
                                 /   |    \  
                               hall chat  games
  • Just one skynet node
  • gateway
    • connect with client
    • forward websocket protobuf msg
  • login
    • regitster/login
  • dungeon
    • the game world
  • database
    • major in MongoDB
    • minor in Redis
  • http
    • outside http[s] communication
    • client, 3rd platfrom and so on

How to use

  • clone terminator then build
  • let terminator and T800 in same path
  • sh run.sh