
A few typos in Specification v0.1?

LaurentAjdnik opened this issue · 1 comments

If I'm not mistaken (not being a native speaker), there might be a few typos in Specification v0.1:

File Section Current version Proposed version
1_Data_Types.md Qubits so that it cen be distinguished so that it can be distinguished
2_Callables.md (Intro) We use to term callable to mean We use the term callable to mean
2_Callables.md Wrapper functions which used for closures which is used for closures
2_Callables.md Applying Functors to Callable Values by adding replacing by replacing
2_Callables.md Memory Management Table the table is defined as global constant the table is defined as a global constant
5_Metadata.md Representing Source-Language Attributes For instance, in Q# attributes are compile-time constant values For instance in Q#, attributes are compile-time constant values
7_Profiles.md (Both profiles) TBD To be determined (written in full, for those who might not know the acronym?)

More generally, could it be considered good practice to replace occurrences of can't/don't/doesn't by cannot/do not/does not (which are more formal)?

If any of these are confirmed, I'll be happy to PR corrections, as soon as the CLA becomes available.

@LaurentAjdnik Thank you for filing this!
I believe there is also a typo in at least one of the signatures. We'll push an update.