
Bell Fighter - a JavaScript game

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Two qubits are not much. But enough to defeat you!
Let's fight using Bell states (entangled states of two qubits)!

How? We will see!

But it will be a: computer game, played for fun, yet using quantum computation as its mechanics.


  • Two qubits fall down (as in Tetris).
  • You "punch" one by choosing a basis (e.g. 0°/90° or 45°/135°).
  • The answer is random, you hit in 50% of times.
  • But the other particle is in a conditional state. You need to defend against it using a correct angle (0°/45°/90°/135°).
  • If you get hit, you ❤️❤️♡.

We want to make



A browser game, in three.js. We consider music in tone.js.

GitHub repo

To be linked here.

See also