Module doesn't show
JeroenV99 opened this issue · 8 comments
the files are in the moved to the modules folder
installled them
i have setup the config file
but nothing on screens happen?
You shouldn't publish any of your passwords, so you might want to edit the image and remove it.
Regarding your issue, is there any output in the log?
where can i find the log output file, i am new with magicmirror
You can find information on MagicMirror logs in the docs online.
If you need additional assistance, please explain exactly, in detail, the steps you've taken to install the module and to try and fix the issue.
Hello Gistoph,
First Nice Job ;0)
In the module on my screen i get "recieved data empty invalid"
I put my user and ww in the js file. where do you have to put the api key?
When i log in on NS there i get the file with the stations,
In the logs i don't see anything strange.
My config file dont's have any issues.
Hope you can put me in the right direction.
I have the same issue as Rowdy2811. Maybe it's a new way for authentication. There is no username and password, just a Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key. Correct me if i'm wrong.
NS recently introduced a new API. This module is not yet updated to work with that API. Please keep an eye on issue #13, for any progress.
I'm not sure if it's still possible to sign up for the old API at this time.
Looking for beta testers. Please give v2 a try:
If you find anything that isn't working or looks suspicious, please create an issue.