
An implement of paper "Multi-level Contextual 3D CNNs for False Positive Reduction in Pulmonary Nodule Detection"

Primary LanguagePython


An implement of paper "Multi-level Contextual 3D CNNs for False Positive Reduction in Pulmonary Nodule Detection"

The detail about the paper can be found luna16 3DCNN

0 required

  • numpy

  • PIL(or Pillow)

  • numpy

  • SimpleITK

  • pandas

  • matplotlib

  • Tensorflow >1.3

1 data

You can download LUNA16 dataset from BaiduCloudDisk,there are laso some torrent file to download with other tools.

2 process step

First run data_prepare.py to extract cubic(both real nodule and fake ones) from raw CT files. This may take hours and the output of this step is

  • cubic_npy
  • cubic_normalization_npy
  • cubic_normalization_test

the total size of those file is around 100GB and take one night in my PC(16GB RAM,i5),please leave enough disk.

Then run main.py to train model,inference step will be ran as follow,this step is rather slow cause of huge number of data.