Error Compiling
navrajkambo opened this issue · 1 comments
navrajkambo commented
To compile this properly, you may have to manually link the module. To do this:
go to android\settings.gradle
and add the lines
include ':react-native-recording'
project(':react-native-recording').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-recording/lib/android')
then go to android\app\src\main\java\com\...\
and add the following lines
import cn.qiuxiang.react.recording.RecordingPackage;
as an import statement, and
new RecordingPackage()
under the new MainReactPackage()
line in the protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
method. Finally, open android\app\build.gradle
and add
compile project(':react-native-recording')
inside of dependencies {
, then navigate to your project directory and enter cd android && gradlew
in cmd (windows).
Hope this helps someone!
navrajkambo commented
*edit: enter cd android && gradlew clean
in cmd (windows).